I'm a storyteller – that's the chief function of a director. And they're moving pictures, let's make ‘em move!
Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.
You can say "I love you" in Helvetica. And you can say it with Helvetica Extra Light if you want it be really fancy. Or you can say it with the Extra Bold if it's really intensive and passionate. And it might work.
We're trying to reinforce the idea that you don't have to have money to have fun, read, be educated, see a band or watch a documentary.
All directors are storytellers, so the motivation was to tell the story I wanted to tell. That's what I love.
Film is not analysis, it is the agitation of mind; cinema comes from the country fair and the circus, not from art and academicism.
Every great film should seem new every time you see it.
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.
Anthony: That waitress sized us up in two seconds. We're black and black people don't tip. So she wasn't gonna waste her time. Now somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind. Peter: So, uh... how much did you leave? Anthony: You expect me to pay for that kind of service?
I will not have you turning a minor, albeit annoying situation into a Martin Scorsese film!