I look at only two things when angel investing. Are you solving an important problem? Do you care about the end users?
I think if you plan too far ahead, you are missing things.... We didn't even have the iPhone 5 years ago!
When you can take an idea and put it out there and have people connect with it, respond to it or interact with it, and make it better, I think that's sort of the magic of the collective conscience of what we call the internets.
Content calendars suck....it's like going to a cocktail party with a script.
If you do not care about your end user immensely, especially in the next few years, your brand will die.
Saying hello doesn't have an ROI. It's about building relationships.
Brands should give first and worry later.
"We change the world" is a f***ing bad baseline.
Business is my DNA.
Girls don't game in bikinis.