How about we do something that matters instead of just sending people more coupon codes?
I look at only two things when angel investing. Are you solving an important problem? Do you care about the end users?
I think if you plan too far ahead, you are missing things.... We didn't even have the iPhone 5 years ago!
Is anyone even listening to me? Is everyone just on Twitter?
Do not underestimate the power you have.
Science does not know its debt to imagination.
If you're in tech, you can find artistry in what you're doing. Being creative with your tech is where success lies.
Don't just party. Save the internet. Lobby. Make media.
No one has 3 seconds for a brand, but they have 30 seconds for a story.
Conversations among the members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations.