Associating with winners may not make you a winner, but associating with losers will definitely not make you one.
I believe the greatest ability to possess is the ability to find, develop, and promote abilities in other people.
Every expert began as an amateur.
Entrepreneurship does not build character; it reveals character.
I have come face to face with many truths from the past that had to be revised with present knowledge.
In the history of man, there has been and always will be more horses' asses than horses.
Be bold in life. Seize the moment. There is no surrender, no retreat. There is only conquer or be conquered, victory or defeat. Anything less is to be forgotten to history.
The forces of freedom and choice will always triumph against the forces of conformity and control.
Love is about giving freedom and power, not about gaining control or possession.
A good friend will find time on his calendar, a great friend never checks.