But Dumbledore says he doesn't care what they do as long as they don't take him off the Chocolate Frog cards.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
I think the key indicator for wealth is not good grades, work ethic, or IQ. I believe it's relationships. Ask yourself two questions: How many people do I know, and how much ransom money could I get for each one?
Puns are the highest form of literature.
Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later.
Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Three little sentences will get you through life. Number one: Cover for me. Number two: Oh, good idea, boss. Number three: It was like that when I got here.